RZ Sports Turf Blog

Welcome to our blog! We are dedicated to providing information about athletic field installation, maintenance, and renovations. Our blog serves as an educational resource for those who wish to learn more about sports turf management.

grass athletic field
Aeration | Athletic Field Maintenance

Aeration is a crucial aspect of maintaining an athletic field. By regularly aerating the soil, you can improve vital air circulation and water drainage. This process helps prevent soil compaction and promotes healthy root growth for your grass.

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Girls playing soccer
The Importance of Maintaining Your School’s Landscape & Athletic Field

Your school grounds are the first thing parents and kids see when they walk into your school. They and the community begin judging how efficient your educational system is when they step foot on your grounds. If this alone doesn’t prove the importance of hiring a professional company to maintain your school’s landscape, there are plenty of other reasons why you should.

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